On the afternoon of July 19, 2018, at the headquarters of Petroleum Maintenance and Repair Joint Stock Company (PMS), the Ceremony to announce the Decision to appoint the position of Party Cell Secretary for the 2017-2020 term and appoint the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company took place.

Attending the ceremony, on behalf of the leaders of the Oil and Gas Construction Maintenance and Repair Corporation (PVMR), there were comrade Nguyen Viet Long - Party Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation; comrade Mai Ngoc Khoa - Deputy General Director of the Corporation; comrade Tran Xuan Thang - Chief of Office of the Party Committee of the Corporation.

On the side of PMS Company, there were the Company's Board of Directors, representatives of the Trade Union Executive Committee, Youth Union, representatives of the PV NDT Branch leaders and Heads/Deputy Heads of functional departments in the Company.

According to Decision No. 53-QD/DU dated July 16, 2018 of the Party Committee of PVMR Corporation, comrade Nguyen Hong Lien was appointed to hold the position of Secretary of the Party Cell of PMS Company for the 2017-2020 term and Decision No. 12/QD-BDDK-HĐQT of the Board of Directors of PMS Company approved and elected comrade Nguyen Viet Long to hold the position of non-professional Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company to replace comrade Ha Dong who transferred to work at the new unit.

Comrade Nguyen Viet Long - Party Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of PVMR presented the Decision appointing the position of Party Secretary of PMS Company for the 2017-2020 term to comrade Nguyen Hong Lien.

Comrade Ha Dong - former Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company transferred the Decision to approve and elect the position of non-professional Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company to comrade Nguyen Viet Long.

Comrade Nguyen Viet Long - Party Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of PVMR spoke at the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of the leaders of PVMR Corporation, comrade Nguyen Viet Long - Party Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation congratulated comrade Ha Dong on taking on the new position at Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Joint Stock Company (BSR) and wished comrade Ha Dong much success in his new position and continued support and facilitation for PMS Company to continue to develop stably. At the same time, Comrade Nguyen Viet Long also congratulated Comrade Nguyen Hong Lien - Director of PMS Company for being trusted and appointed as Secretary of the PMS Party Cell for the 2017-2020 term and expressed his hope that Comrade Nguyen Hong Lien - Director and also Secretary of the PMS Party Cell will continue to promote the spirit of daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility in directing and operating, proposing drastic and effective measures and solutions, helping PMS continue to promote production and business activities, excellently complete assigned political tasks and successfully implement the strategy of accelerating development.

Also in the speech, comrade Nguyen Viet Long shared and reviewed the ups and downs over the 9 years of formation and development of PMS Company. Despite many difficulties, up to now, the staff of PMS Company through generations are always proud to have achieved certain successes, gradually affirming the brand and reputation with partners and customers at home and abroad. Comrade Nguyen Viet Long also expressed his feelings and joy when receiving the decision and assuming the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company and affirmed that PVMR Corporation will create the most favorable conditions, continue to promote the existing strengths and traditions of PMS to lead and direct PMS Company to develop sustainably.

Comrade Nguyen Hong Lien - Party Cell Secretary, Director of PMS Company spoke at the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony after transferring the decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, comrade Ha Dong expressed his gratitude to the leaders of PVMR Corporation as well as the Board of Directors of PMS Company, the Board of Directors and the staff of PMS Company for their trust and support during more than 8 years of working at PMS. At the same time, he also affirmed that although he was transferred to BSR Company, he would continue to support, assist and create maximum working conditions for PMS to become one of the best service providers for BSR Company.

Comrade Ha Dong - former Chairman of the Board of Directors of PMS Company spoke at the ceremony.